Senin, 25 Maret 2013


Personal Detail
Full Name                           : Muhammad Rizki Satria Rachmanto
Nick Name                         : Rizki
Sex                                     : Male
Place, Date of Birth           : Bandung, Oktober 26, 1991
National                             : Indonesia
Marital Status                   : Single
Height, weight                  : 175 cm, 58 kg
Hobby                              :  Travelling and Sport
Health                               : Alhamdulilah
Religion                            : Moslem
Blood                                : O
Address                            : Jalan K.H Abdul Halim No. 139 Majalengka – Jawa Barat
Current Address              : Permata Puri 1 Blok C12/9A Cimanggis – Depok
Mobile                             : 085224377946
E-mail                              :

 Education Background
1998 - 2004   : SDN 5 Palembang, Sumatra Selatan
2004 – 2007  : SMPN 3 Majalengka, Jawa Barat
2007 - 2010   : SMAN 1 Majalengka, Jawa Barat
2010 – now   : Accounting Departement at the University Gunadarma, Depok

Course & Education
2007 - 2009      : Pelatihan Paskibra Majalengka
April 2009         : Basic Training Senior leadership
2011                  : Diklat ekonomi islam
Febuary 2012   : Shariah Economic Training

2007 – 2010  : Anggota Paskibra Majalengka
2008 – 2010  : Public relation Paskibra SMAN 1 Majalengka
Agustus 2008 : Anggota Purna Paskibra Indonesia tingkat Kab. Majalengka (PPI)

manufacture of letters

It: Application Management

Directors PT.Pertamina EP, Standard chatered Tower, 30th floor
Jl. Prof.Dr.Satrio kav. 164. Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Dear Sirs,
In accordance with job offers from PT. Pertamina respect that I volunteered to join the PT. Pertamina.

Regarding myself, I can explain as follows:
Name: Muhammad Rizki Satria Rachmanto
Place & tgl.lahir: New York, October 26, 1991
End of Education: High School
Address: Gem Castle 1 block C12/9A Cimanggis - Depok
No. Telephone and e-mail: 085224377946 &
Marital Status: Not married

I have a health condition and good organizational experience. For your consideration, I attach:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. certificate

I hope the father / mother is willing to take the time to give an interview, so I can explain in detail about my own potential.

So I created this cover letter and I thank you for the opportunity and the attention of the father / mother.

Yours sincerely,

M.Rizki S.R